Israel’s most famous trap rapper and German condom spokesman ain’t done yet

This post originally appeared in the Times of Israel, read the full article here

The biggest story in Israeli hip hop in 2018 was a vulgar, skinny, goofball rapper who made one viral video after another, racking up millions of views and drawing the ire of polite Israeli society. Dudu Faruk — famous for his hits “King David (Arak, Arak, Arak)” and “Black Belt (in smoking hookah)” — has, in less than 12 months, become something close to a household name, was voted the sexiest man in Israel by Pnai Plus magazine readers, and scored a sponsorship deal with a German condom company.

Dudu Faruk was the biggest viral star in Israel in 2018 and, in Tel Aviv, he shows his 15 minutes of fame are far from over — even if technically he doesn’t exist. (Flash90)

On Wednesday at Hangar 11 in Tel Aviv, he had his first major headlining gig, backed up by an 11-person band, with tickets going for NIS 184 shekels ($50) a pop.

Before the show, he used the concert to hype his campaign for prime minister and make it clear to anybody listening that his 15 minutes of viral fame are far from over.

Not bad for a person who technically does not exist.


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